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Learn more about Amy’s work.

  • Individual or Relationship Therapy?

    Both are useful, and different. Sometimes relationship issues require individual work, and sometimes individual work can benefit from help with the relationship. It can be hard to know ahead of time, so keep an open mind.

  • What is Sex Therapy?

    We identify the “sexual dysfunction” (that’s medical model language), look to its emergence and the conditions thereof, what you’ve tried to ‘make it better’ and then apply bio-psycho-social theories of change.

  • What is Imago Relationship Therapy?

    It is a way of thinking about and acting in our relationships to support the growth and healing that your relationship is asking of the individuals in it. There’s so much more, but you can learn more here.

  • What is EMDR?

    It’s so cool! I use it as a technique to melt away confusing knots in your physical, emotional and social spheres, especially ones that haven’t budged in other forms of therapy.